
Release date: 2011-06-28

Release type: Production

Firmware version: 4.03

Filename: Lilin-4.03-mipsisa32r2el-3_32-4_0.ptz

Previous release: None


Release 4.03:

This is the first release of this driver.

Known problems and limitations in version 4.03

Note! Some limitations are also device type dependent and can behave
      different on different Lilin devices!

4.03:1 To use this version of the driver, firmware 5.50 or higher
       is required.

4.03:2 To set a preset position, a special procedure is required
       (for more information, check the help page in the driver).

4.03:3 Sometimes pan movements and tilt movements are performed one at a time
       (not combined to one movement).

4.03:4 An autofocus or an autoiris command will temporary stop any ongoing
       continuous movements.

4.03:5 An iris command will stop any continuous movements. When the iris
       command is ready, the continuous movements will continue again.

4.03:6 Autofocus is enabled by zoom requests and disabled by focus requests.

4.03:7 Autoiris is disabled by iris requests.