
Release date: 2011-06-28

Release type: Production

Driver version: 4.05

Filename: Vicon-4.05-mipsisa32r2el-3_28-3_0.ptz

Previous release: None


Release 4.05

This is the first release of this driver

Known problems and limitations in version 4.05

Note! Some limitations are also device type dependent and can behave
      different on different Vicon devices!

4.05:1 To use this version of the driver, firmware 5.50 or higher
       is required.

4.05:2 To be able to use the On Screen Display, "Use extended commands" need
       to be supported and enabled in the driver.

4.05:3 The FocusEnabled parameter must be set for the manual focus 
       function to be enabled.

4.05:4 Once manual focus is enabled, auto-focus will be enabled only 
       after a zoom movement.