FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES ====================== Products affected: AXIS Q7404 Video Encoder Release date: 2011-06-28 Release type: Production Firmware version: 5.20 File name: Q7404_5_20.bin Preceding release: 5.02 AMC version: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ==================== The firmware can be upgraded using Axis Camera Management, HTTP or FTP. Please follow the instructions from the user's manual, the web page at or the file named howtoupgrade.txt. New Features ============ 5.20:F01 Added embedded AVHS (Axis Video Hosting System) client. 5.20:F02 Added ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) support including metadata streaming over RTSP/RTP. This includes streaming of event data, PTZ position and status data, and analytics data. Dynamic web services discovery protocol as specified in ONVIF standard, which follows WS-Discovery definitions (remote discovery will not be supported), is also included. 5.20:F03 Axis Camera Application Platform (ACAP) enabling third party developers (ADP partners) to develop, download and run their applications on Axis products is included. 5.20:F04 Added support for Generic TCP/IP over DaisyChain. 5.20:F05 Added AudioClips functionality. Corrections since 5.02 ====================== 5.20:C01 It is possible now to see rotated image at the Motion detection and exposure settings page. 5.20:C03 Fixed issue with sftpclient. 5.20:C04 Now it works fine with serial generic TCP timeoout. 5.20:C05 Issue with RTP over RTSP over HTTP problem is fixed. 5.20:C07 Solved issue with Axis Metadata monitor. 5.20:C08 Incorrect RTP timestamping of the SPS/PPS frames issue is fixed. 5.20:C09 Included fix for stability. 5.20:C10 RTSP SETUP fails fix is included. 5.20:C11 No problem now to upload Language file. Known limitations ================= 5.20:L01 It is not possible to use a space in the upload path for a ftp server. 5.20:L02 If IPv6 is enabled while IPv4 is disabled, the DHCP options received from IPv4 are not removed. Also there is no IPv6 address in the mail body of an SMTP test mail. 5.20:L03 The NTP implementation will not synchronize to NTP servers that signal an alarm condition (clock not synchronized) in its Leap Indicator. Trying to sync time with an NTP server that issues a warning that it isn't synced will fail. Example: Use a PC with XP as NTP server. Do not change the registry to indicate that it is a reliable time service and do not sync the XP with an external NTP server. If the NTP serve issues a warning that it is not synced, then the encoder will not sync with it but rather wait 10 minutes. 5.20:L04 After changing the date/time of the camera, the video stream will stop after 60 seconds with an RTSP session time out. It does not matter if the media stream is started before or after the time is changed. Workaround: Reboot the camera after the time has been changed manually or by NTP. 5.20:L05 Negative video offset values behaves like 0. Positive values moves the picture to the left when they are suppose to move it to the right. 5.20:L06 If an image overlay is placed at 0,0 and a text overlay is top aligned, the image overlay will be placed below the text with no cropping. 5.20:L07 Previous root password is not available after a failed ftp flash_all FW upgrade or a factory default. 5.20:L08 It is not supported to configure always multicast RTP. 5.20:L09 Finding a scene where the difference between enabled and disabled backlight compensation is clearly visible is difficult. 5.20:L10 If RTSP authentication is switched off, streaming H.264 with QuickTime and other Apple compatible clients will not work as they require authentication of the RTSP, but do not allow HTTP authentication. 5.20:L11 There is a difference between JPEG and H264 overlays and snapshots when aspect ratio correction is enabled. 5.20:L12 The AXIS Media Control client may stop displaying the H.264 video stream after the PC has been locked. Workaround: Reload the Live View page. 5.20:L13 AXIS Media Control may on some client computers with insufficient performance buffer up images which may lead to latency and use of memory. Stopping the streams will restore the memory. 5.20:L14 A recording from AXIS Media Control sometimes gets a invalid file length written in the file header when the disk is full. Except the header file length, the file data should be correct. 5.20:L15 Stream profile names are limited to alphanumerical characters. 5.20:L16 If a tab or window with a runnning MJPEG stream is closed in Firefox 3 the stream will still be running in the background. The stream is not closed until Firefox is terminated. (to be fixed in Firefox 3.0.5) 5.20:L17 When using Mozilla Firefox to view MJPEG, rendering artifacts (parts of the previous frame) can be seen when there is a lot of movement. 5.20:L18 The combination of MJPEG, AAC and multipart is not supported. 5.20:L19 We do not support full duplex for audio. 5.20:L20 With Safari on Mac OS X Leopard G711 audio stream will be very choppy. 5.20:L21 Joystick used for PTZ camera movement will not work in full screen without first using the mouse. 5.20:L22 A new functionality has been added enabling the serial port to be configured as RS485 2-wire, 4-wire or RS422 thus allowing several PTZ drivers previously only used with RS232. However there is a delay between the RTS and TXD signal, but no consequences of this have been found. 5.20:L23 It is possible to start two simultaneous guardtours. Since there is no priority between guardtours there will be a race condition. The case were one guardtour is first started by the event system and then a second one is started is still handled. In this case the event that started first will run until it is shutdown and if the other event is still active that guardtour will start to run. 5.20:L24 There are problems with PTZ when using java applet as viewer - the response may seem slow, the camera movements jerky and the zoom wide button does not zoom out fully. 5.20:L25 Setup of motion detection in a non-AMC environment does not work. 5.20:L26 For AMC -> PTZ, selecting Center Mode in Default PTZ Mode will not affect actions made in Live View page 5.20:L27 If Time mode is set to Synchronize with computer time the internal clock migth drift in time compared to the computer. 5.20:L28 Disconnecting and then connecting the network cable might lead to dropped network activity for a couple of seconds, especially when connecting to a gigabit network. 5.20:L29 If registered to AXIS Internet Dynamic DNS and regular updates are enabled, then the actual interval between updates will be greater then specified. 5.20:L30 If Default viewer is set to Java applet in Live View Config page, then audio from line in laggs. 5.20:L31 The offset between 4CIF resolution and CIF resolution may differ. 5.20:L32 Error conditions while sending audio using the transmit.cgi is not consistent. 5.20:L33 If log items in the Sytem Overview page contains very long lines, then the content of the page may be scrolled out of view. 5.20:L34 Reported network speed and duplex setting in the serverreport are not correct. 5.20:L35 It is not possible to save an FTP event server with a blank password when user name is filled in. 5.20:L36 It is possible to use text overlay with more information than can be displayed. 5.20:L37 While trying to connect more than allowed streaming clients there can be various error messages. 5.20:L38 Deassociate and then reassociate video on a COM port used for PTZ will cause a script error when modifying an already guarded tour. 5.20:L39 Choosing a time zone -12, -13 or -14 will add invalid an entry to the list. 5.20:L40 If color setting for the video stream is set to black & white, the image in live view for H.264 can be dislocated with a black bar in the top. Application Developer Information ================================= The AXIS VAPIX Application Programming Interface is supported by the AXIS Q7404. The following groups are supported by the Q7404. For more information, please refer to the AXIS VAPIX HTTP API specification version 3, part of the AXIS VAPIX API, available at The following groups are still supported from the AXIS Q7404 from AXIS VAPIX HTTP API specification version 2, but discrepancies may occur. For more information about version 2 please refer to AXIS VAPIX API available at Group Exceptions ===== ========== General Image and Video PTZ Motion Detection I/O Serial port IP filter Audio Built in templates for dynamic parameters are: Template Group ======== ===== 'event' Event 'ftpaction' Event.E#.Actions 'ftp_config' EventServers.FTP 'httpaction' Event.E#.Actions 'http_config' EventServers.HTTP 'hwaction' Event.E#.Actions 'motion' Motion 'ptzaction' Event.E#.Actions 'smtpaction' Event.E#.Actions 'tcpaction' Event.E#.Actions 'tcp_config' EventServers.TCP Supported AXIS VAPIX API Image Resolutions Resolution Exceptions ========== ========== D1 720x576 1) 720x480 2) 4CIF 704x576 1) 704x480 2) 2CIF 704x288 1) 704x240 2) CIF 352x288 1) 352x240 2) QCIF 176x144 1) 176x140 2) 1) Only available for PAL cameras 2) Only available for NTSC cameras