
Release date: 2011-06-28

Release type: Production

Firmware version: 4.08

Filename: Sensormatic-4.08-crisv32-3_32-4_0.ptz
Previous release: None


Release 4.08:

This is the first release of this driver.

Known problems and limitations in version 4.08

Note! Some limitations are also device type dependent and can behave
      different on different Sensormatic devices!

4.08:1 To use this version of the driver, firmware 5.50 or higher
       is required.

4.08:2 A manual focus movement may disable auto-focus
       (Sensormatic device type dependent).

4.08:3 A manual iris movement may disable auto-iris
       (Sensormatic device type dependent).

4.08:4 The auto-focus or auto-iris command will set both
       auto-focus and auto-iris at the same time. It is not possible
       to set only one of them.

4.08:5 Some Sensormatic device types may only have a fixed focus setting
       (no focus adjustments possible).

4.08:6 After start, it may take some time before the RS485 serial
       communication will start to work. Some errors or warnings may
       be written in the log-file shortly after the start.

4.08:7 To use extended presets, an Ultra V unit (running firmware 3.06
       or later) or an Ultra VII unit is required.