
Release date: 2008-10-28

Release type: Production

Firmware version: 2.03

Filename: Philips-2.03.ptz

Previous release:  2.02


Release 2.03:

2.03:1 Added support for the Bosch VG4 model.

2.03:2 In the driver, the default serial PortMode is changed to RS485.
       Verify that the video encoder and the Bosch/Philips PTZ unit
       support the same type of serial interface (RS485 or RS232).

Known problems and limitations in version 2.03

2.03:3 To use this version of the driver, firmware 4.30 or higher
       is required.

2.03:4 If a Bosch VG4 model is used, select "Device Type" = G4 in the driver,
       otherwise the Autofocus and Autoiris functions may not work very well.

2.03:5 If a Philips/Bosch G3 model is used, select "Device Type" = G3 in the
       driver, otherwise the Autofocus and Autoiris functions will not work.

2.03:6 When using some of the functions, messages or menus may pop up in the
       picture for a short while.