
Application:		AXIS License Plate Verifier

Release date:		2019-05-03

Release type:		Production	      

Software version:	1.2.0	  

File name:		Licenseplateverfier_1_2_0.eap			         

Preceding Release:		 

Contact Information

Please contact Axis Communications for product information, updates and support


Compatible products
See complete list of compatible products at

New Features in 1.2.0 since 1.1.0
* Allow only exact matches of license plates that are on White/Black list in AXIS License Plate Verifier.
  - In normal conditions, the algorithm allows a deviation of one character. Some setups requires an exact match of all characters.
* Umlaut is added to the supported characters in the license plate as well as in White/Black list
* Upgraded integration protocol with A1001 controller.  Changed license plate field format from ASCII to Unicode (to support diacritic characters)
* Added advanced settings 
   a. Recognition threshold – (0.7 by the default). The threshold can be set to 0.6 to increase the recognition rate if the installation conditions are bad.
   b. Min and max widths of the license plate from Settings Tab are removed to the advanced settings  
   c. Levenshtein distance check is added (On/off and symbols)

Corrections in 1.2.0 since 1.1.0
C01: Fixed issue with multiple triggering of control module relay on one license plate.
C02: Added possibility to use special characters (!@#$) in the password of the I/O control module (A91xx).
C03: Added right timestamp to VAPIX (from the media API)

Upload instructions

In the supported product's web interface, go to the Applications menu and upload this application package. 
Start and configure the application.
For more instructions see the User Manual at

To install and configure AXIS License Plate Verifier, you must use a supported browser.

Known Bugs/Limitations
K01: If you move the region of interest more than 60º or if you place it outside the live view, it will automatically jump back to default position. Make sure the region of interest stays in position after you have saved the settings.

Supported Firmware
9.10.1 or earlier versions.